Sara Mathews Counselling and Supervision

Bereavement and General Counselling.

Clinical Supervision

online from my durham practise

Beyond the “stages of grief”
Death. Talking about it, acknowledging its universal truth or feeling feelings about it is still a taboo subject in our culture. How often do you hear someone talking about “ if they die…” I’m afraid it’s not an if,  it’s a when.  At the end of life we all face death, no matter how much […]
What can we say about grief?
I’ve been a specialist Bereavement Counsellor for 12 years at the time of writing. That’s 12 years of providing Bereavement Counselling to all sorts of people, old, young, ill, well, angry, confused, and desperate. You’d like to think I’ve learned a thing or two along the way. Of course, there are books. Lots of brilliant […]

©Sara Mathews

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